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Donato Nitti

Donato Nitti



Donato Nitti, was born, studied, and lives in Italy, Florence. Sagittarius with an ascendant in Aquarius, he travels a lot, especially to China. A lawyer passionate about art law, a Ph.D., and a few teaching assignments at Shanghai universities. With love for existentialist philosophy and one for Japanese Buddhism, he began writing in 2010, at first only for himself. The pandemic was a moment of reflection, and he matured the idea of publishing a collection of verses in the extended time of those moments. Meeting with one of the most important living Italian poets, Mariella Bettarini, allowed him to publish the "Altri universi imprevisti (2010-2022)", which won the Silver Florin at the XXXIX Florence Prize. He approaches color to make visual poetry and discovers that he is attracted to the depths of female gazes, which he translates into color, light, and shadow on paper and canvas. His legal research activity has led him to study, since 2018, the influence on the arts of artificial intelligence, which he has experimented with to present in some conferences and articles how it can be a means to increase human creativity. A rugby player in his youth, with appearances and call-ups in national youth teams, today a marathon runner and cyclist, he seeks physical exertion to get in deep contact with his consciousness. Honorary Consul of the Netherlands in Florence, he does many things in life; someone says too many. For example, inevitably taking time away from sleep and painting, he is a member of the editorial boards of the literature review L'Area di Broca and the philosophy and humanities review Le voci di Sophia.

Amars, Barcellona- March 2023
La donna nell’arte - Milano, March 2023
Inaugurata Restart- Milano, February 2023
Restart, Milano- January 2023


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