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The Vitruvian world
Francis Akpata

The Vitruvian world



Title: The Vitruvian world
Year Completed: 2020
Size: 100cm/100CM
Technical: oil on Canvas

This is a painting where I highlight Vitruvius’s idea that the human figure is the main source of proportion. I used Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man as the source of all development in the universe as we see it but there are limits to our understanding because we are human. The technique here is surrealism. In the “Vitruvian world” Francis placed the Vitruvian man as the centre to show human kinds connection to the natural world. The perfectly proportioned figure inscribed within a circle and square is in a vortex which symbolizes the world we live in. Francis has used a surrealist style of painting here to show human kinds connection to the natural world. The vortex describes the inherent harmony and symmetry found in the natural world which the renaissance man like Da Vinci can see. Vi-truvian Man demonstrates the universality of proportionality and beauty, prompting view-ers to recognize the presence of this ratio in nature, art, and even ourselves. This revela-tion challenges our perception of reality and forces us to reevaluate our understanding of beauty and symmetry. Francis “Modern Renaissance man” encourages us to see the time-less beauty and unity found in both the artistry and science of our existence. While the “Vitruvian world “ illuminates our responsibility as custodians of the earth, highlighting the need to maintain harmony with the natural world.

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