Nikolas Fotiadis
I was born in 17/7/1971, in Drama, a small town in northern Greece. I apprenticed and at the same time worked for 3 years in a serigraph workshop in Drama. I was occupied with interior decoration as well as with the artwork of festivals in Greece. In 2000 I attended drawing and painting classes in the workshop of K.Tsigris in Athens. In 2006 I entered the School of Fine and Applied Arts in Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki in the workshops of professors I. Fokas and V. Ploiaridis. I simultaneously attended engraving classes in professor’s X. Sachinis Engraving Workshop. In June 2011 I presented my senior thesis, for which I got 9.11. In July 2011 I graduated with an ''A'' in painting. Currently, I work as a supply teacher in public primary schools in Drama. My works are found in private collections and public buildings. I have participated in joint exhibitions and held 5 individual ones so far.