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Thiago Ezidio de Oliveira

Thiago Ezidio de Oliveira



Thiago Ezidio de Oliveira is a 28-year-old Brazilian Plastic Artist who lives in a small town called Cornélio Procópio, located in the North of the State of Paraná in Brazil. The beginning of his ca-reer was at the age of 14 when an aunt put him in an oil painting course, at the time he was do-ing reproductions of landscapes he saw in magazines. In a short time, he started to present his own creations in class, the need to create his own artistic identity made him abandon the course and start practicing on his own and less often. After approximately 8 years, he started to pre-sent his own creations in art salons and exhibitions of Afro-Brazilian culture with various tech-niques of Oil Painting, small sculptures and engravings on plant leaves with pigment extracted from plants, which is one of the most popular techniques. outstanding in his work. Its inspiration comes from everyday relationships, from people's facial expressions, from the representation of social and environmental issues that encompass Brazil.

Artist Statement
Art for me is not simply aesthetics or a set of material things, it is aspects of value. rooted in the core of being that are expressed in different ways according to the social context in which we live. My works are a way of expressing nature as a whole, especially the relationships we estab-lish between us.


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