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Thiago Ezidio de Oliveira




Title: Yanomami
Year Completed: 2021
Size: 60x180
Technical: oil on canvas

The Yanomami work brings important elements in its composition. The Yanomami are indige-nous peoples who inhabit the states of Amazonas and Roraima, in addition to part of Venezue-la. Since 1980, it has been fighting illegal mining, an activity that continues to grow and is re-sponsible for the contamination of rivers and natural resources in Yanomami Lands. Environ-mental degradation is an extremely important factor that must be taken into account, as they are precursors to the extinction of several species that make up the fauna and flora of the Brazil-ian region. In this sense, the main reasons related to a possible threat of extinction of jaguars in Brazil are mainly related to the fragmentation of their habitat due to agricultural expansion, mining, implementation of hydroelectric plants, expansion of roads and illegal hunting. There-fore, an increasingly comprehensive national plan is needed with regard to the preservation of indigenous lands and the fauna and flora of Brazil and, mainly, dissemination to society as a whole.

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