Il ritorno
Il ritorno
120 x 100 cm
Oil on canvas
The landscape in front of us seems to be pervaded by a destructive fire that completely fills the scene. Very warm colors and incredible dynamism give life to a real storm of emotions that arose from the sight of a house in the distance. The title of the work which means "return" causes a deep nostalgia and the house with indefinite contours becomes the home of each of us in our personal imagination. The artist succeeds through his purely abstract technique to recreate in the mind of the viewer the whirlwind of emotions that causes the sight of a place loved and long lost, to which one can return physically and emotionally, a place that attracts us and scare us at the same time for what it can bring to memory, however the certainty of the fascination that arises, forces the gaze and the heart to dwell on the greatest emotion that man can feel: homesickness.