Ramona Allen
In February of 2020 I decided to delve into painting as a form of self care to bring in some color to what felt like a long bleak winter. With a degree in psychology, I had studied a bit on the thera-peutic benefits of art and the healing attributes of color, so with hope and excitement I stocked up on paints, canvases, and brushes with abandon. I had no idea that a few weeks later the world would abruptly change with the pandemic indefinitely closing my reflexology practice. I found myself cloistered in lock down with a complete supply of painting materials and an abun-dance of time to put them to use! This is how I began to teach myself to paint.
In working with my hands through reflexology, I considered it a blessing to connect with others and use my gifts. No longer able to connect and express myself through physical touch in the same way, I learned to use my gifts in a new way; as an expression on canvas.
Sharing my work on social media revealed benefits of creating art that I did not expect! What be-gan as a form of stress relief and self fulfillment opened up connections with others as people be-gan to react to my art. They wrote to tell me how my work made their day brighter and how they felt peace and relief from stress themselves. They told me they could feel the ocean and receive happiness from the flowers I painted or the colors that I used. In a world where physical touch and the warmth of a smile became so limited, art became my answer! Art is a bridge with limitless potential. Through it we can continue to reach out, communicate, and make connections that heal the heart, body, and soul.
Over the past year I have expanded to become a full time artist with a studio and gallery located in Gorham, Maine, USA.. My art develops as I follow my intuition and look for inspiration from the beauty that I see in nature and the people around me. I focus on visually representing what I observe through both abstract and impressionistic style with acrylic on canvas and mixed me-dia photography on watercolor paper.