Elisa Chana Cecchetti
Title: Manifesto
This Manifesto is a pure coming out of all the feelings, values and words I have inside me. Art and colors are my therapy and that is the way in which I show them to the world.
This is me, free and independent and no one will be able to change me.
“What is violence on woman for you?”
I've never allowed anybody to tell me how to live my life, from when I was a child.
But sometimes, in the thousands things I'm doing everyday, I stop to run and think about what's happening around me. That day some words hit me, without any reason, and this changed my day. Why?
Violence on women is not only physical or phychological, it's also about how people, men, can feel free to say you something about your way of living and to pretend to tell you how you have to manage your time, how much you have to work, when. You don't care, of course, but some words, even if are like water on you, can change your day, your mood, your feelings.
It's normal to judge a woman. It’s normal to tell her that she is wrong.
We live this violence everyday and sometimes we neither are able to recognize it.
It's our life.
Don't allow anybody to say you how to live it.
Be strong, fight for your freedom, keep going, LOVE YOURSELF.