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微笑 . 美称 . 微小 - Bisho . Bisho . Bisho - Smile, Eulogistic Name, Minute



Technique: Oil on canvas
Size: 1303x1620mm
Since ancient times, humans have created idols and religious paintings to make people
believe that God exists. It is no exaggeration to say that religious activities to make people
believe as if they have lived and walked together with God are the most daring magic in
human history.
This is true not only for monotheism but also for polytheism. I believe that we Japanese,
who call ourselves atheists but still believe in 8 million gods somewhere in our hearts,
have our own gods existing in our hearts.
Therefore, I have tried to imitate one stream of belief by creating a god that may exist in
my own mind as an idol in reality and putting it into a plane.

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