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100 Nights
Brigitta Tenkes

100 Nights



Title: 100 Nights
Year: 2022
Size: 90x90cm (framed -gold- ca. 94x94cm)
Technique: Acrylic on stretched canvas

“The painting was inspired by a jazz song, 100 Days, 100 Nights. It symbolizes the 100 nights. It shows a dark blue sky where the golden sun goes down, like the man in the song portrays his negative side already and negative human trait too, such as the end of a relationship, when you don’t see everything so wonderful and bright, you know it well. But there is still something very exciting - on the painting it is the gold part. The colors of the artwork remind me of the wonder-ful, romantic and mysterious city of Milan. You can see the combination of pure dark blue and deep gold. This painting has a pair, another artwork titled 100 Days.”

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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