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She was raised in a traditional artistic environment and was highly focused on the art of painting. Despite coming from a working-class family, she produced her own canvases and painted with simple tools. As a result, her paintings, while expressing strong emotions, were often technically inaccurate, but with a strong unique artistic timbre.
In her late 20s, she attempted to attend various art academies and eventually the Rietveld Akademie based in Amsterdam open to new media, including video production, which allowed her to express herself in a more realistic manner, incorporating fragments of visual reality. While living in the Netherlands, she also explored the world of murals. She appreciated the idea of having a large surface area to work with and the freedom to finish a piece in a single day. The fact that graffiti could be erased shortly after completion, not allowing her to become too attached to it, fascinated her. She viewed it as a metaphor for life, which is fleeting and only exists in our memories. Her career took off during the coronavirus pandemic, when she put all her energy into producing art and launching herself as an international artist. She won two awards from a prestigious international competition, which further strengthened her belief in her work and her artistic journey.


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