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Here Floppy Get This Down You
Ron Woods

Here Floppy Get This Down You



Title : Here Floppy Get This Down You
Year : 2020
Size : 41x30 cm
Technique : Oils on Paper

In 2020 a character by the name of Mr Floppy was churning around in my head wanting to get out. The painting medium I had been using until this time was too rigid for him, so I set about experimenting to find a freer style. This evolved into my present-day painting on “special” paper with marking pens and oils. I call it cartoon art, whereby each (Instagram) post is a piece of art in itself, but links into a wider universe which has since grown to contain 24 original characters across over 250 pieces. I am enjoying the storytelling, drawing from my life experience and the artistic freedom this medium, and Mr Floppy and his cohorts have given me. I have not been able to return to painting on hard board and canvas since Mr Floppy arrived. And I am for now unfettered by those who have expressed their wish to see me do so.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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