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Hidden away
Christopher Rozitis

Hidden away



Title: Hidden away
Year: 2021
Size: 100 x 100 cm
Technique: construction- Ink, acrylic, watercolour, pastels, print, digital manipulation


My collection of artworks reflects the meaning of personal paradise. To me as an artist paradise isn't necessarily a physical place that we can travel too but a creative place we can escape to within ourselves. These personal paradises are rich and full of colours, shapes, patterns and textures a place where diversity and creativity flourish and embody a place of reflection, safety peace and calm. These paradises are created within each of us and act as an escape from the no stop harsh world we live in.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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