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Annette Nolte

Mixed Media Artist


Painter - teacher for Yoga and meditation - living in Essen I Germany

After studying art education and fine arts (University of Essen I Art Academy Düsseldorf) my search for self knowledge led me to become an art therapist, a counselor and finally a teacher for Yoga and meditation. While working with people for many years, art has always accompanied me, in a receptive as well as in a actively creative sense, as a resource of freedom and beauty. The technical aspects of art never came first for me; i love the free play with colors, forms and materials as far as they serve the soul to express itself from the inside out. The burning question ‘Who am I ?’ running through my life, i feel answered in meditation as well as in the artistic process. Both allow me to expand and grow beyond myself into a field of being which cannot be described with words. After decades of self-research and inner maturation i feel ready to give my artistic work an even larger space and to become visible to a larger public.

“Art is pure joy. It brings me into the power of now, nourishes all my senses and lets me experience expansion, beauty and freedom.”

artist interview I solo exhibition 2021:


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