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New, unreal, and fear(2)



Title: New, unreal, and fear(2)
Year: 2021
Tech: Ink, Chinese ink on paper
Dimension: 63.1 x 101 x 3

One day, a moss grew on a fabric. When looking at this picture for the first time, did you have a doubt or find something strange about the situation in this picture? I think most people could not find it strange. A moss never be able to grow on a fabric. How come no one has a doubt or feels curious about the moss grown on the fabric? At ordinary times, we do not think such strange and unrealistic things are strange. How come we keep feeling natural about something new? How come we have no doubts? When a strange situation occurs, why don’t we catch something strange, keep thinking about the strangeness, and think about what would happen afterwards? Nowadays, the world is moving so quickly. It doesn’t give us time to judge. In the current situation, we should be able to get prepared for the rapidly-changing world, and also to make clear and definite decisions.

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