Arbre des mutations
Title: Arbre des mutations
Year: 2022
Size: 130x180cm
Technique: oil in canvas
Speed painting.
The inking on the ground before the performance. Both feet in osmosis with the ground, the artist takes root and the tree begins to germinate in him. The breath floods the body, and the brush is its extra sensitive extension. The fulgurance of the gestures which re-fines the material stretching it to elasticity, suddenly gives way to a surge of brushstrokes with multiple nuances. Pressures, speeds, twists and angles of the brush which dances on the canvas. The dynamics of this uninterrupted beat is meant to mirror the creative pro-cess of nature. First the vacuum, then an eddy which gives birth to a wave… which itself diffuses in the same wave of perpetual energy, Without thinking life builds on the pre-existing in a fluid cosmic ballet. The tree hidden in our genes, whose spiral rings are pre-sent to our fingertips.