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Amazing people



Title: Amazing People
Year: 2020
Size: 85 x 165 cm
Technique: Acrylic on paper glued to a masonite plate with a wide wooden frame.

The painting shows white butterflies, birds, hearts and red little flowers because in my world it means something wonderful, honest, loving and good, as I want human's to be, which for me is more important than being an idiot who is strong, hardworking and wealthy who fits well into society as being evil and wild, who does not like people and does not want others well, but only thinks of himself and likes to harm other people. The yellow suns are taken from Native American symbols which mean happiness, happiness for me means living liberatingly and in freedom, where you can do as you please and may well be who you are without having to live under strict rules and evil/idiotic people who have power over you. I've written keywords in the background kiss, connection, love, hugs, peace, float and party. I like patterns and the white dots are inspiration from Aboriginal art. I've glued on clippings from a graffiti magazine and painted blue graffiti letters for the background because I like graffiti and I see graffiti as something cool that "cool" people make and that means when a man are cool inside he fit well into a tough society, built by idiotic people and therefore will be attractive to beautiful women, but what you see isn't always what you get.
I have painted a figure you can glimpse in the painting, it is supposed to represent a well-known hip hop artist from the USA, he has a cool hat, glasses and expensive rings on his fingers, he stands in a superior way with his head tilted to the side slightly backwards and his fingers/hand are shown in a cool way that is different, to show the outside world how amazing he is because of the work he has done and the success he has achieved through it. I have painted it because it is frustration and envy that idiots have built an industry that allows all people to achieve fame, reputation and wealth as long they are strong, evil and will work hard for it, and thus be able to have their choices with the delicious women, even if you are an idiot, the idiots who have built the industry see all people only as something bad, they don't like people, because they are not loving. The frustrations stem from an upbringing where I have not been allowed to do as I wanted to and be who I am, but had to be like them and was subject to strict rules, no matter what I said or did, it was not good enough and got scolded, from i was a child, it has made me have a conviction in my mind that I must take care of what I do and say otherwise you will get very angry with me, which has caused me to be afraid of people who make it difficult for me to work and be together with people. In my world, it's less important to be perfect, work and be good at it, it's more important to be nice and loving and want other people well than to be a talented and hard-working idiot who likes evil and thinks only of himself. The person I have painted, he's made some great music that a lot of people like to listen to, but it doesn't tell me anything about what human being he is, a lot of people look up to those who have created something good so that it can enrich their lives, they don't care who he is, they wouldn't buy and listen to it if it's less good, although he is sweet and loving, which I think is a wrong way of looking at things, I think it is more important that the world should look more at the individual rather than the material, people with sweet and loving qualities who possess being empathetic, loving and understanding rather than idiots who are evil and selfish, that way we will create a better world that is human and animal friendly.

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