Andrea Berthel
Studies in History of Art, German and English Having lived in Chile, Marl, Wolfenbüttel, Stuttgart, Neckargemünd, Heidelberg, Cape Town (RSA), The Hague (Netherlands), Baden-Baden, France, Basel and Rheinfelden (Switzerland)
1983 - 1988 Free collaboration graphic design and glas-art
1989 - 1995 Living and working in Cape Town (South Africa), decoration of Events and festivities, working with illusionism and Trompe l´oeil
1996 - 2006 working as mural wall painter (illusionism and trompe l`oeil) in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria
From 2006 onwards creative realignment: painting meditative seascapes focusing on light, shade and reflection
From 2008 onwards: Hyperrealism and Surrealism, themes in philosophical, political and critical context, working with various techniques: oil painting, combined with modeling medium, sand, paper, metal leaf, fabric and various materials.
2019 invention of the Canned Koi Cosmology: Andrea Berthel developed the Koi Cosmos as satire on the colorful shiny Multi Media World. The brilliant PopArt colors and humorous fish por-trayals hide current challenges like overpopulation, climate change..., the hashtags naming differ-ent themes. Signature and year are labeled upside down, like on the French fish cans from „Sau-piquet“.The idea to cram expensive lifestyle koi into cans plopped into Berthel’s mind at 4 am, like all creative ideas. Quickly the theme developed, the alliteration leading to various themes be-ginning with K or C.
22.04. - 24.04.2021 virtuelle RAVE Artexpo in New York, elected best newcomer in category PopArt
25.09.2020 - 28.03.2021 "Fantastische Bildwelten“, Kunsthalle Messmer in Riegel
11.01. - 16.02.2020 "Grand Salon Colours", Villa Berberich, Bad Säckingen
02.11. - 12.12.2019 "A!Think", opening of Atelier, Maxstrasse 51, 68199 Mannheim
24.06. - 20.07.2019 "!Think!", The Gallery Steiner, Wien 12.01. - 17.02.2019 "Grand Salon", Villa Berberich, Bad Säckingen
10.01.2019 "Meer und Mehr", Galerie Makowski, Berlin
16.09. - 15.11.2013 "Meer und Mehr", Galerie Messmer in Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, Einzelausstel-lung
07.08. - 22.10.2018 "Arte Temporis", Rheinfelden, Schweiz, Sammelausstellung
29.10.2011 - 26.02.2012 „Messmer & Friends“, Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel
02.06 - 23.10.2011 „Wasser, Fantasie und Wirklichkeit“, Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel
2002 Mural „Shakespeare’s Banquet“ in Hartheim, Germany, adaptation of Paolo Veronese’s "Banquet in the House of Levi"
Art Fairs
To come: 06.- 10.12.2023 Spectrum Miami
31.03. - 02.04.2023 ArtExpo New York
26. - 29.08.2021 INCorporating Art Fair Hamburg
29.03. - 01.04.2019 Asia Contemporary Art Show Hong Kong
28.02. - 02.03.2019 Bath Art Fair; UK
04.12. - 09.12.2018 Red Dot Art Fair Miami, Florida, USA
Books Together with Ulrich Allgaier
Illusionsmalerei, das Vorlagenbuch, 2002 Ravensburger
Illusionsmalerei, modern und klassisch, 2003 Callwey
Neue Farben für ihr Zuhause, 2004 Christophorusverlag