Digital Artist
Finding the exact moment when Isainhermind became passionate about art is almost impossible because she feels it has always been a part of her. Her childhood was spent in the workshop of her artisan grandparents, amidst fabrics, tools and materials for upholstery. This is where her creativity. started to break free, as her curious eyes and childlike hands tried to mimic the expert gestures of her beloved grandparents. It is in her school that she gets to know art for the first time and she begins to study the great painters. She falls in love with classical art, a love that continues over the years. The art history hours are her favorite, in which she experiments with various art techniques and delves into painting styles. She also take care of the sets for the theatre laboratory. In senior high school, the love for art evolves, connecting to the love for travel. She graduated in tourism, another way to talk about art and discover it by travelling. However, the roads of life sometimes make sudden curves, branch off into others, changing the path of those who were traveling along them. The mark left by her grandparents' work leads her to undertake three years of university and to graduate in Interior and furniture design. It is in these years that she discovers the world of graphics and digital. In the vicious difficulties faced over the years, her art has never abandoned her. On the contrary, she
helped her stay afloat. It is her safe place to find refuge, let off steam and reconnect with herself. Accumulating the notions learned over the years, digital blends naturally with traditional painting.
Isainhermind is everything society doesn't want her to be. Her painting is a cry of dissatisfaction, it is the representation of heavy and uncomfortable thoughts that no one wants to hear but which crowd her mind. She does this through the use of fast and sharp strokes on the screen, painting expressive faces, deep gazes and bodies that she manipulates, dismantles and dissolves to strike the viewer. Superficiality is banned. She doesn't want to look for detail or perfection, she creates the digital painting quickly, so as not to lose the idea or get stuck, emphasising the emotion to be communicated. She uses digital painting as therapy, exorcising her fears and anxieties.