Tom Ogburn
Digital Artist
Tom Ogburn
Digital Artist
Most of my creative life I’ve thought of myself as an artist and painter not in the broader sense of being an art maker, but an observer always engaged in the acts of recording and watching. In time I began to incorporate photography as well into my creative practice, which led me to the ultimate rabbit hole of Adobe Photoshop, one of the deepest graphics programs ever devised. It is an event horizon on the threshold of a mind.
The more I became fascinated with digital imaging the more I began to notice a missing element, one which is integral to painting. It lacked the healing mechanism which is so inherent to wielding a brush. And a slow waltz began between observing the delicate balance of the cyborgian and the organic in my works, and in myself. Blurring the line where one begins, and the other leaves off.
As artists, to look about us, to record what we see, what we perceive in a manner which speaks to others simply and directly through vision, sound, movement or word—is enough.
And there will come the point where we then see ourselves as what we are within this, our increasingly compressed society. We are artists, and the media we grapple with is necessary to communicate our observations. It is neither magical, mystical, nor religious in purpose or nature. It is evolution.