Ruth Arbiser
Ruth Arbiser
Ruth is an Argentinian plastic artist born in 1958 to Eastern European parents. She has lived in Paris since the age of 18. Her works reflect the impact of Latin American light and are full of refer-ences to the Slavic culture that Ruth brings with her. From 1974 to 1976 she attended the MEBA studio where painter Juan López Taetzel taught. Her curriculum full of exhibitions in which she has taken part. Individual and collective exhibition starting from 1975 in Buenos Aires, then France and Belgique, Spain and Switzerland She took part to a collective UNESCO exhibition “Woman painters of Latin America”.
Specifically, in order, she participated to:
1975- Collective exhibition at SHA, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
1979- Individual exhibition at the Andréan Canel Gallery, Paris, France,
1981- Salon des Indipéndants and Salon d’Automne, Grand-Palais, Paris, France,
1982- Collective exhibition at the course of Artists, Brusselles, Belgique.
1993- Individual exhibition, Salle Flotte, Sanary, France.
1994- Collective exhibition at Unesco – Women painters of Latin America, Paris, France,
1995- Group exhibition at the Center Galaxie, Paris, France,
1997- Individual exhibition at Danses Vagabondes, Paris, France,
2021- Individual exhibition at Galerie Dobkine&Kie, Paris, France,
Group exhibition at Swissartexpo, Zurich, Switzerland,
Group exhibition at Barcelona Art Fair, Barcelona, Spain.
“A good painting doesn't really need to resort to an explanation. It must make it possible to enter a parallel world where all speech would become superfluous.”