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Mediha Sevinç



She was born in Bulgaria at 1982 and lives in Turkey since 1989.
She graduated from Mimar Sinan Fina Art University Painting Department at 2008.
On her master thesis she studied the gravure in Turkey.
Now she is doctoral student at Anatolia University Printmaking Department and also prelector at uni-versity in Istanbul and teaches Basic Art Education, Basic Design and Printmaking at Art And Desing Faculty.


The last series of printmaking collages are about Universe: ‘’Talking With The Universe’’
I form collages of my relief printmakings. They are the result of my thoughts or as the thoughts taking form while making collages. While thinking about the universe; our relationship with those far away that we can see in the universe, the knowledge that flows to us, utter knowledge…
I work with three component. The World - which we are directly mixed up with- , The Sun - our source of life- , and The Moon – constantly reminding us of itself by its existence…
I use my own tree motifs to represent The World. As a symbol, the tree double as a link between the sun and the world and represents the life.
The sun is our source of our life and light. The life in the earth directly has a link with the sun.
If the moon has a connection to our existence. It highlights why we exist. It has a dark side and a sun-lit side. More secret. It finds a meaning with its face seen from the world; two connect each other and it reminds of itself with its repetitive cycle; reminds human existance.
These are a little summary about my printmaking collages. Though I have long talkings with these three. That’s why my works exist


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