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Gabriella Graf



Gabriella Graf is a great-niece of the expressive dancer Lisa Ney. Lisa’s sister was the painter Kitty Nels von Scheffer, who in turn worked with the famous artist Müller-Goltz.
Gabriella is related to Dr. Thassilo von Scheffer. He was a German poet known especially for his translation of ancient Greek poetry. The family is steeped in generations of creativity.
Gabriella discovered her love of art as a child. She pursued a commercial education in the textile sector. She then studied painting. Very soon, trips followed abroad to Australia, Florida and several months in Italy to get closer to the essence of nature. These new impressions were also reflected in the paintings and made her exhibitions at home and abroad successful. Photography and stage design were later expanded by the artist and successfully used in ballet performances. Thus, for example, large-format light projections and stage hangings for "Firebirds, Romeo and Juliet and Sleeping Beauty" were implemented at the Stadt Théâtre or in the Congress Hall in Augsburg. These were choreographed and danced by Dance Center No. 1.
At exhibitions in 1998 in Florence and 1999 at Intel in Munich, especially stage hangings on the theme of dance and drama attracted attention. During the premieres of “Soliterre” in 2002, dance sketches resulted in a new type of artwork called mixed media on copper were born.
In recent years, the artist presents her exhibitions in conjunction with dance performances or concerts to strengthen the connection between painting, dance, and music.


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