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Edyta Asbrand



Edyta Asbrand Edyta Asbrand was born in 1976 in Beuthen, Poland. She studied art at “Studio Zeiler; Painting and Drawing School of Dr. Katharina Goldyn-Vogl” in Munich. She frequently presents her art pieces in solo and group exhibitions such as: #EMERGING international contemporary art exhibition at M.A.D.S. Milano, ½ annual Open Day and 60th-Anniversery-Event at Studio Zeiler, 200th-Year-Celebration of Baha’i Community at Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft and is a featured artist in the international digital art gallery M.A.D.S. Milano. In her current work she devotes herself to the topic “Moments of Infinity”; the artist finds the inspiration for each painting, installation or photography through the reflection of moments in life where time seems to be irrelevant (as the moment of birth and death, in meditation, speaking to your inner child, moments of anxiety, experience of first love and first kiss …). Aside her individual art works, she develops since 2015 art projects with students of a primary school and refugee children in Munich. Today Edyta Asbrand works and lives with her family in Munich, Germany.


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