Ana Maksimova
My name is Ana Maksimova. I was born in 1988 and developed creatively in the city of Vilnius, Lithu-ania. In my hometown, there is a so-called bohemian district (Užupis) that belongs to the people of art. This area has been compared to the the famous Montmartre district in Paris and is also called a separate republic with its self-proclaimed constitution. The creativity and spirit of freedom from these streets will forever remain a part of me! Having comprehended the creative energy of my native places, in 2011 I moved to the equally beautiful and astonishing Finland, where I live, create paintings, and develop to-day. In my abstract works, I use all my experience and combine different art techniques, which are very relevant to modern interior design trends. In my artworks, I talk about the contrasts of life, find harmo-ny in color combinations, and express emotions with the help of art materials. Creating my paintings, I get absolute pleasure, share energy and my creative vision. I am happy to present my art and thank you for your interest!