Ana Schurmann
Title: Pondus
Year Completed: 2022
Size: 4990x3130 px (single piece also available - physically - with different dimensions)
Technical: Acrylic on Canvas and photo editing
Pondus represents the weight our society carries and the unlocks of freedom. The animals, shaped on several canvases are urging to be recognized and represent different areas of philosophy. For instance, the Flamingo has several constructed alliances on his body - the key in his beak and the lock on his hat represents he has the Key to the Mind. The scarf was painted transcribing freedom, and his wings could be both tiny and enormous. Here, a different type of thinking; the Power of the mind. The body is covered in dots that connects both the Power and the Key to the profound world of Cognition. In other words, his body is the neural cognitive thinking of our whole body. The other animals all represent a part of a human emotion and how this emotion is affecting the animal in itself. For instance, the Horse is the Ego of Society, the frog the Emptiness, the Tiger the strength, the Fantail the sweetness and, Cobra the invidious and so forth.
"with all the accomplishments and errors of humankind, the lacking of ethics and freedom in a society that should by now apprehend what it means to be human is unbearable". This quote summarises Ana's work called Pondus that means weight. Ana develops her painting technique along the lines of Gauguin's "cloisonnisme"; thus, she spreads colors in homogeneous backgrounds enclosing them within the limits of sharp contours. This system enhances the polychromy of her works. The quote may be a perfect summary to describe the meaning of her work.
The different animals depicted are personified, possess emotions and human characterisation, and are custodians of messages behind certain symbols. "For example, the horse is the ego of society, the frog is emptiness, the tiger is strength, the cobra is envy, and so on," says the artist and continues, "the flamingo has a key in its beak and its padlock on its hat, an invitation to open the mind. The scarf, moreover, stands for freedom." Ethics, open-mindedness and positive emotions represent salvation and thus freedom for humanity.
Mara Cipriano Art Curator