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Boris Milojević



Boris Milojević Boris Milojevic was born in Nova Gradiska, Croatia in 1979 and holds MA in Journalism from Faculty of Political Science at University of Zagreb. In 2018, Boris was awarded honorable mention for his landscape and nature photography at Monochrome Photography Award. From 2019 he focuses most of his work on desctruction of natural world and movements that are raising concern to it. He works with photography media, but in painting and sculpture too. Artist’s statement: “In the year I was born First World Climate Conference was held in Geneva and Climate Change was recognized as a serious problem. 40 years after I went out to the streets of Vancouver, Canada, with my camera to follow Fridays for Future movement at the moment when 100 000 people gathered to express their concern about climate change and destruction of natural world. At the same time half a million people where walking the streets of Toronto with Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. Although I learned, much before that moment, that my concerns and my thoughts are not extreme in any way, especially after seeing David Attenborough’s speech “People and Planet” at the RSA, I felt, maybe because for the first time beeing surounded by 100 000, that I am truly not alone and that there is a raising number of people sharing the same concern. I was also surprised at myself for how long it took me to realise that I have to help those voices to be heard and to raise my voice at the problem that shadows all other problems humanity might have, however interconnected they might be – destruction of the natural world.”


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