My name is Justine Orlando but I prefer to be called Ziggie.
I’m from Marseille, south of France but I consider myself as a citizen of the world.
I’ve lived in islands, in London and I spend 3 years in Sao Paulo Brazil.
I always loved to draw since I’m a kid, so I decided to study arts, I have a diploma in Art and Design and I continue studying architecture but I stopped before the end because I felt it was not made for me.
After few years working as a waitress in some part of the world, I moved to Brazil to find my way. There I worked in set design and I also started to paint. First it was for me, for my friends, then I received some orders from cinema production. You can find some of my artworks in Netflix movies!
Nowadays I’m focusing in painting, where I try to develop my vision and my sensibility. I find inspiration in my moods, travels, through people I met and I love. I’m really concerned by the Lgbtqa+ cause, sex work, women rights. I’m trying to put this in my art, in a very subtile way because I don’t want this to be explicit. I’m a shy person but with a very outrageous personality. My paintings are the same as me. Always looking for contrast with a good balance.