Dan Aug
Visual Artist
Dan Aug
Visual Artist
Daniel Augusto Chiesa (Dan Aug) is a contemporary Visual, Constructive, Abstract and Figurative Artist, of Uruguayan / Italian origin, who offers to us exclusive artworks of spe-cial characteristics related to Astronomical Science, Cosmology and Mysticism. Daniel Au-gusto Chiesa (Dan Aug) was born in MVD, Uruguay, from Italian origins on January 23rd, 1956. Based in Montevideo, Uruguay, his past professional life and actual artistic life has passed between Uruguay, Italy and the United States. The world of Physics, Electronics, Tele-communications, I.T. and more ahead in his professional scientific career, also the astron-omy & space exploration, led him, almost without realizing it, to dabble through the world of ART. Since 2002 he turns to painting. He is an active member of the IAAA (International Association of Astronomical Artists) and he has active participation in conferences and fo-rums related to Art and Astronomy. In January 2005 his artwork "Xanadu Joyful Day" is the First Prize in a world art painting contest, organized by the Planetary Society (Pasade-na, California, USA) and the European Space Agency. This artwork was Exhibited for the first time at the ESA's Operations Center in the city of Darmstadt, Germany. Later in vari-ous space facilities at the NASA in US. Today this artwork belongs to a private collector in Canada. His artworks, and the whole production inspired by the mysteries of the universe, science, and mysticism, have allowed him to participate in dozens of national (UY) and in-ternational exhibitions. Also, we may find many of his artworks in various private collec-tions worldwide. Celebrating 20 years of uninterrupted presence in the international artis-tic scene, he celebrated on May 20th, 2022, an exclusive art show event in Montevideo, at the LATU Convention Center, in downtown Montevideo. It was an individual and retro-spective exhibition with 58 artworks from all his art series and he has already confirmed the participation at the XIV Florence Biennale, Italy in October 2023.
“Creativity is a complex and multifaceted process that can be influenced by a variety of factors, both internal and external. One of the most important internal factors that influences my creative process is my ability to shed my logical, pragmatic, and scientific profile, even as an artist, and to take a more daring, transgressive and unconventional attitude. This ability allows me to ex-plore ideas and topics that are often considered strange or not accepted by society in general.”
"...My Art is generated in a magical moment of "Communion" between my Being and my knowledge on topics related to Astronomic Science, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Quantum Phys-ics and Mysticism. You should also understand my profound admiration and fascination to the Ancient Egypt Civilization, it is the inspiring muse in my first series. My characteristic saturated colors and my logic pragmatism, often painting with geometric figures and symbols, lead me to abstraction. It is here that I mainly find the most appropriate vehicle to leave my message..."