Lavender Farm
Takashi Yasuoka
Lavender Farm
Title: Lavender Farm
Year: 2021
Size: 455× 380× 20mm
Technique: Oil on canvas
I traveled to Furano Hokkaido Japan in July 2019 to enjoy lavender flowers. This was a lacky travel for me since COVID-19 spread in a half year later. I started painting the lavender farm and gradually, I became to not agree to this approach, because I could not have the fresh aerial feel-ing of Furano from the painting at the early phase. I perceived that I should represent the sun-light, the breeze and the air of the lavender farm rather than the picture of the farm. . Also, we should mind that a lavender farm is not a natural scenery, but the outcome of human’s work and life. I changed this painting to more abstract and simple style, newly adding a tractor. After this jump, it did not take long time to finish painting. The large circle of the tractor tire brings about contrast and happy atmosphere.
I am glad if you feel the breeze of lavender.