Birgit Reinemund
My name is Dr. Birgit Reinemund. I was born in 1959 and I live and work as an artist in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In addition to an exciting professional life as a veterinarian, then as an entrepreneur and politician, I have lived my creativity in photography (nature, industrial photography and lost places) since my youth and have drawn a lot in my many travels through Europe, Asia, North America.
Since 2018, I have increasingly discovered my passion for acrylic and mixed media painting and today, I mainly focus on my art. I paint abstractly with strong, mostly intuitive and expressive colours. I am self-taught and have taken numerous art classes at the Shaw Academy and artists such as Cepand Yegani and Chris Petrocchi (drawing) and Tracy Verdugo (abstract painting).
Since 2020 I have participated in regional exhibitions and various art award competitions.
In 2021, as co-founder of NewMA-collectives, I co-designed and organised our online exhibition "Querbeet" (07.08.-04.09.2021).
From 25 to 29 August 2021, I presented my pictures at the Swiss ArtExpo in Zurich.
Art and the business of art have long been part of my local political engagement, also in the culture commission of the city of Mannheim.
As a scientist and researcher, I am fascinated by the different forms of life and the inner turmoil of people in the whirlwind of their emotions, their struggle for fulfilment; as a politician, by human interaction in all its facets.
The impressions and experiences of the different phases of my life, especially the disappointments and wounds, are expressed through my subjects, the strong colours and the countless layers of my abstract and semi-abstract acrylic paintings or in mixed media artworks (acrylic with collage, charcoal, oil pastels, natural materials).
I usually paint intuitively and expressively and yet during the creation process I often recognize the main themes of my life: the love of nature as well as the examination of human nature and society. Paintings that seem peaceful or happy at first glance always contain references to the effect that human beings have on our planet and their fellow human beings.