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Bryce Watanasoponwong
Digital Artist

Bryce Watanasoponwong

Digital Artist


Bryce Watanasoponwong (b. 1974) is a Thai-Australian photographer who makes evocative pho-tography of encounters within our global cities and has a highly experimental process involving both digital and analogue techniques, which pushes elements of his work into intriguing visual abstraction.
As his career progresses, he is committed to producing works that evoke emotion and make a personal impact. By becoming more involved in how photography is perceived, he strives to cul-tivate a shift towards wellness, through the lens of his camera and on to those who view his art-works.
Incorporating a range of different mediums into his work has helped him to gain a new and ex-panded perspective on his photography and the world in general. His passion for exploring di-verse cultures around the world brings a unique frame of reference to his work. The process of self-discovery and the pursuit of the truth is imperative to his identity as an artist.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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