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Izabela Sara Skolimowska

Izabela Sara Skolimowska



I’m an abstract expressionist artist, currently living in Dubai. I was born and raised in Poland, where my passion for art was sparked at a very young age. I have painted, drawn, sculpted, and experimented with different media since I can remember; and my artworks have been exhibited both locally and internationally. My initial plan was to become an architect, but (un)fortunately I failed in this attempt, and so I decided to shelve my artistic pursuits for several years and pick a different career path. My innate curiosity and yearning for adventure led me to different countries in Europe, Asia and finally in the Middle East. However, after many years of travelling the world, exploring different career paths, and making the most of my international experience, I picked up a paintbrush again in 2021, and my artistic soul was reawakened with full force. Contrary to my artistic education and previous work, I now create abstract expressionist art and experiment with my own media. The pact that I’ve made with myself about my artistic pursuits this time was simple: total freedom of expression, unrestrained by the traditional canons, styles, or criteria. Every single painting of mine is a reflection of my inner state of mind and emotions that are translated onto the canvas in an intuitive, and spontaneous process, using a variety of artistic media and transpiring years of exposure to multicultural art expressions. I believe creating art is a beautiful and enthralling process of experimentation and self discovery. And as Robert Henri said: “The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable”. Through my artworks I share my own frame of mind and feelings with the world, but it is to stimulate viewer’s imagination and allow them to build their own, personal interpretation of every piece and find something for themselves. For me the true beauty of art lies in its openness, diversity, and the ability to evoke different emotions, as if it could speak a thousand languages without voicing out a single word at all.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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