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Gary J. Holliday

Gary J. Holliday



Gary J Holliday choose acrylic on canvas and paper. He was born in Miami Beach on January 6, 1954. Presently working out of his studio in San Diego California. He first became interested in art when he was four years old, and he continues his interest in the arts through grammar school. Further his development at Le Moyne art foundation of contemporary art. He will later apply for the BFA and the MFA program at Florida State university in the studio arts.

Artist Statement:
Art is created by my intuition, which is the driving force behind fantastic imagery.... My inspiration comes from African American culture, political and social views. The use of shapes and figures along with references to human anatomy and religious symbolism, shows the complex situation of our human existence and my faith for salvation for mankind. I create scenes in which forms and floating shapes are in grouping situations or engaged in conversation much like society. The use of maps suggests how far my thoughts may reach and may appear in the world.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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