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Debbie Moore

Debbie Moore



“The Floppy Flower” was Debbie’s first prize-winning painting at a very early age, earning her recognition and solidifying her love of all things creative. She inserts a flower in many of her works to memorialize the dream of a child and remind herself all things are possible. Even at this early stage, Debbie was fascinated with color, texture, and experimentation. As life would have it, she graduated in 1989 with a degree in Physical Therapy. After a successful career and raising two daughters, she decided to turn her attention to her first love and pursued all avenues of learning from local and international artists to master the fundamentals in order to step outside the lines and push boundaries. Debbie wishes to express inner feelings, rather than producing a reiteration of a subject. She uses bold color and expressive marks to tell a story. The story will be different for each viewer, leaving a bit of mystery through abstraction, which is her goal. The viewer can see what only they can see, shaped by their own life’s events and feelings. That is what art should do, be an individual gift. Debbie’s figurative works often highlight motherhood, family matters, and societal influences. She is deeply passionate and engaged in correcting the injustices in our world, which comes through in her art and reflected in her personal beliefs. From a backlit scene to the curve of the human form to the very smallest of nature’s wonders, Debbie is influenced by everything around her. She is a multimedia artist, painting abstractly and impressionistically using oils and acrylics. She loves to break norms and experiment with adding unusual elements to her work such as sand, holographic pigment, Swarovski crystals, paper, canvas, glass, and anything that lends itself to the mission. Asking the question, “why not?” to keep her work fresh and spontaneous. Debbie has been juried into local and national exhibitions and is a member of OPA, AIS, and AWA. Like poetry, her work offers a personal journey, a cadence, a romance between realism and abstraction, a break form the norm. Her works are represented by ADC Fine Art and locally in Atlanta, Ga.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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