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Pia Vehl

Pia Vehl



Pia Vehl is a fable artist from Denmark.She paints her colorful fantasy art with a lit-tle twist of humor - just as magical and wonderful as a child with a good imagina-tion would see the world.Pia's art vision is to encourage others to follow their dreams and live a happy life. The artistic journey started back in 2016 when 3 of Pias' works got selected for a fine art exhibition in Denmark. That gave her the urge to keep on painting. Following years, Pia had a few small exhibitions in Den-mark. In 2018 Pia also got selected as a border Member in Fjends Kunstforening. And she participated in a fine art exhibition in 2020 Pia graduated the Mastery Art Program at the Milan Art Institute and got selected to join the gal-lery Artstudio_no7, as one of the permanent artists.Pia constantly develops her unique style and is planning to pursue her international art exhibitions the next coming years, starting in Denmark, Italy and one more secret country this year.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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