Banu Beyza
Digital Artist
Banu Beyza
Digital Artist
Turkish born, self -taught artist living in UK.
I am strongly influenced by fashion, music, photography, movies and people. My work is about connections that human beings make or don’t make through language, expression, emotions, and desires. Exploring how we communicate, accept, or reject these connections to form rela-tionships is a theme throughout my work... I focus on human figure, as it is often the vehicle which relays the connection. Portraits are a predominant part of my work as I am fascinated and challenged by mostly subtle expression on the fac-es or body language.
I love to work with oil, acrylic and ink and recently interested in digital painting.
My work has seen in Tokyo, New York and Barcelona in Digital Art Showcases and Art Fairs in UK. I was a selected artist for Charity Art Auction - Doctors Without Borders at the Blenheim Palace in Oxford, UK in 2015.
” As Seen In British Vogue” - 2016 February Edition & June - Special Centenary Issue…
I was Long Short Listed Artist for " THE GLOBAL FASHION ILLUSTRATION & DRAWING AWARD 2021 at FIDA WORLDWIDE. The Category was “The Fashion Moment “.