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Tess Muse

Tess Muse



Tess Muse Ghent, Belgium It took me a long time before I could find my own style, my own voice, a way to transcribe the indescribable. Like silent poetry, they represent my inner musings. As a child I've always felt deeply connected to nature. My work takes you on a personal journey where the elements are always present. A grounded foundation invites you to step a little closer and dares you to see beyond the familiar. Once you've let go and are fully emerged into the journey you are carefully guided throughout the whole painting. It is then that we find reassurance in the lines that remind us of the fragility and strength, the playfulness and unpredictability we call life. Beauty can be found in the smallest details and so can beauty be found in the smallest details of my work. By taking my time with every painting I remain in a space where creation can only take place by the means of good intention. It is important for me to build a relationship with each piece by letting the painting paint itself. Just like the words of a poem can flow out of the poet or a song out of the musician, I let the paint, crystals and gold blend together by focusing on finding the inspiration from within. Each piece is therefore a translation of my most honest truth that can only stem from intuition. My paintings are an invitation to accept the person that is you. With every new journey life will offer you, it encourages you to see beauty and wisdom in each experience and the remembrance when you find yourself in the midst of the biggest and smallest details to continue to be your own absolute Muse.


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