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Nadia Tarlow

Nadia Tarlow



All of my life I have been inspired to creatively express and share new perspectives. I grew up in an environment with photography, art and nature that opened my eyes. My journey into abstract painting began in the 90’s at RISD, after working on my first large scale canvas I was hooked. I was moved to explore, experiment, and offer ways for the invisible to become visible. Over the years I have contin-ued to work creatively with painting, teaching and filmmaking. My work has been especially influ-enced and inspired by time spent in the landscapes and cultures of the US South West, Mexico and currently Costa Rica. What’s salient in my paintings is a visual language of forms, color, texture and mark-making that has emerged to express nature’s essence. I create with instinct and with a studied approach, to open doors to new ways of seeing, experiencing and meditating on our world. Recent time with indigenous from Central and South America has informed my work with new ways to sense and interpret life’s energies. Through a shifting integration of elements, I convey the power of nature’s environments, colors, forms, sounds and impressions. These paintings aim to deepen viewers’ connections to our world, evoke curiosity, sensitivity, and offer nature’s energy.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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