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Emma Stålvik

Emma Stålvik



Emma Stålvik is based in Göteborg, a town on the western Sweden coast. Her painting is expressive, lively and full of color and her subjects are mainly abstract. Emma’s artworks born from an inner con-tact, which the artist tries to bring back on the canvas as quickly as possible, not to leave the impulse of creation. This act shows her devotion to her artistic expression.

Painting and drawing have always been part of her life. Throughout the time, she used the color to ex-press herself and satisfy her inner instinct; a few years ago though, after a long period of introspec-tion, the lust to paint splashed out from within with new energy and power. So much wanted to be expressed. Big formats. Lots of joy. Passion. Expansion. It was like a rebirth.

For Emma, painting means being true. To be real. Authentic. It is deep listening. A sensing. Letting her inner life play out freely and realize itself on the outside. It is a dance. It is letting go. It is a never ending journey… Suddenly an instinct becomes painting: something of her inner world shows itself outside. Wide open to be whatever it is.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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