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Nirit Gilad Ovadia

Nirit Gilad Ovadia



Nirit Gilad Ovadia Since I remember myself, I love painting…. I graduated both at \"Wizo\" arts high school at Haifa, my hometown in Israel (known today as the \"Reut Art school\") and at \"Wizo academic center, Haifa\" following 4 years of studies in graphical design. Although I've been exposed during art studies to various painting techniques, I finally remained faithful to my own technique, through which I taught painting afterwards. My painting style is realistic and implemented by multiple thin layers. My focus in details enables me to \"accurately\" communicate my personal experience. I truly love painting nature and landscapes, yet, the \"human landscape\" fascinates me in particular, since through portrait one can observe the inner human's world. I continuously look after the story behind every sight I encounter, aiming to perpetuate it through painting. I really like the idea of harnessing the art for meaningful purposes, and aspiring to make it an aid to people who need it . I believe that art can be a powerful tool in conveying messages and raising awareness of significant topics.


More info

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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