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Analía Almada Vera

Analía Almada Vera



I was born in Uruguay in 1973. I'm a mother, wife, and hard-working woman. After graduating as Bachelor of International Studies, I had the urge to develop my creative side. This project was born from my desire to share one of my passions with you. Painting. Since I was little, I liked to do crafts and I won my first national contest in Uruguay with a drawing at the age of five. Throughout my life I’ve taken as many and diverse courses as possible with the goal of exploring different techniques that will help me express myself. Anything from wood painting courses to live model drawing in Boston, MA where I was living at the time. Exploring techniques and ma-terials like charcoal and ink was the beginning of a path of self-knowledge, with interruptions over the years, but I never abandoned my passion. Finally in 2013 I started drawing classes again. This time in Argentina. Here I gave my first brushstrokes with oil, and discovered a differ-ent form of expression and the explosion of color. In 2015 I changed workshops looking for new techniques and new challenges. Every oil painting project fuels the next. You might say that for me painting is sometimes a "physical need", many hours of painting and many paintings have been part of my life throughout the years. I gave many of my art pieces to friends and family, it is my belief that "if you like it, it's yours". The joy of imagining, creating, working on it and finally looking at the finished work is something personal, but once the work is finished it belongs to whoever finds joy in the contemplation of the artwork. Two years ago, I began the dream of painting and sharing it with everyone. Today, not only with oil paintings, figurative in color, but I have also been creating abstract works with their "rules" and their flavor of freedom, with the use of mixed techniques. However, I have never been able to abandon monochrome oil paint-ing, a style of my own that is born from the projection of drawing with charcoal. Two colors cho-sen, and the passion and challenge to create a multitude of nuances. Over the years and with everything I have learned, I can say that I have achieved my own style and that in each work there is something personal that comes from the inspiration to the brush and is reflected in the fin-ished work. I hope that in my work you find joy and inspiration.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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