Title: River
Year Completed: 2024
Technical: acrylics on canvas
I refuse to walk the paths of violent rhymes written by people who do not know what they say or do even if all looks pretty at first glance.
I refuse to sing in silent spaces where no one can reach out to touch my voice or I can theirs.
I refuse to dance alone in my unseen head because dancing is created for the outside world, to be danced on rainbows flashing through suddenly enlightened minds of people starting to sing and to dance too.
I refuse to sin without confessing my heart’s hidden wounds.
I refuse to sit in silence which does not have anything to say, to eat with people who have never started coming back home, to sleep with strangers who remain those even after trying to talk because it is not endless talking that brings people close.
I lately even refuse to talk which makes me wonder how fulfilling it can be to only listen to the different worlds, to the earths, to the waters, to the rivers, to breaths and blissfully humble eyes of birds in winter searching for food that speak the truth I do not refuse to embrace and love with a love finally deprived of all human lies.