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Carrie MeeRan

Carrie MeeRan



Carrie MeeRan is a Korean American visual artist from Seattle, WA. Her abstract and semifigurative acrylic paintings draw dualities in human nature and human experience. She draws and paints with a variety of mediums including acrylic, pastel & charcoal. She started spontaneously drawing after a traumatic life event when she was 19. She started showing in 2000 at Gallery 110 in Pioneer Square. She won an award of national merit for one of her drawings. She had 3 solo gallery shows there and group shows. Carrie has traveled extensively, lived and taught abroad in Europe and Asia. She loves culture and music. She is a classically trained pianist, published poet, and was an English instructor for several years. She worked abroad in Seoul, S. Korea, teaching English before getting her masters degree in teaching. Carrie is a devoted wife and mother to two beautiful children. Her art is about transformation, healing and growth. She distills emotions and life experiences into her art. Her art explores the balance of darkness and light within us and in this world. Creative expression is a means of healing, transformation, growth, and distilling life experiences. In her art she explores dualities and understanding multiple perspectives. She embraces intuition, emotion and thought in the creative process. Three times in her life new artistic voices emerged as a nonverbal response to trauma, which occurred in 2000, 2020 and 2021. She was adopted from Korea into a white neighbourhood in Seattle. Orphaned at two and adopted at three, she emerged from preverbal trauma into a world where she was different from those around me. Her mother helped foster an appreciation for art and culture via travel. Traveling and visiting museums with her mother exposed me to wonderful art from cultures around the world, opening my eyes to endless creative possibilities. As a trained teacher, she is inspired to leave a legacy via teaching and share her passion for authentic creative expression. She loves exploration of techniques, tools and developing new processes. Her paintings and drawings are acrylic, charcoal & pastel. She pour her heart and soul into her work.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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