I am a Hungarian self made artist, a recently retired teacher of languages. I have enjoyed learning new skills and creating beautiful things since I was a child. My artistic work is an important part of my life. I used to paint landscapes, flowers and animals but later I fell in love with fluid art, which is what I enjoy doing most nowadays. Creating something beautiful is a wonderful feeling. It’s exciting but also relaxing. While I am painting, I let everything else go. If other people like my finished artwork, it is the icing on the cake. I mostly make abstract fluid paintings. I have been watching many great fluid artists‘ videos and their work inspires me a lot. Fluid art has a lot of techniques and it’s great fun to experiment with them. I often embellish my paintings with acrylic markers or decor pens to emphasize or add extra details. Fluid art can be full of surprises and it teaches you flexibility. You can control the flow of the paint to a certain extent but the end result is often quite different from what you have imagined. Just like in real life - you often have to modify your original ideas and who knows, the result may be even better than what you had in mind first. I would like to share my art with many people, hoping they have pleasant feelings when they look at my artworks.
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