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I am an artist, composer, jazz musician and mother of two sons. My career as an artist start-ed about 6 years ago. At first, I expressed my idea by composing music and playing it by myself. But I would like to express my ideas visually, so I started abstract painting two months ago. I really like abstract painting because it is one of the best ways to express things that we can't see like emotion or feeling.

Artistic statement:
I like expressing things I find in my heart. I especially focus on "emotion". I have various ways to express my ideas, such as abstract painting, words, composing music, improvisa-tion with contrabass. When I express my feelings by abstract painting, I really concentrate to catch inspiration. I don't think rational things such as "Is this correct?", "Is this popular way?", etc. I just paint according to my inspiration. This is my style.


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