Vanessa Wenwieser
Digital Artist
Vanessa Wenwieser was born Munich, Germany and studied Fine Art Photoghaphy at the Glasgow School of Art and completed a Printmaking Diploma at City of Glasgow College. Wenwieser's work focuses on the dialogue between photography and painterly mark-making. The tension between the exactitude of a photograph and the imprecisions of gestural mark-making is achieved through a process of constant translation between the making and the photo-graphing. Furthermore, the duality between hand-made and mechanical becomes a subtext for the relationship between thought and action. The act of physical making is constantly re-examined through photo-graphic and digital means. Using the figure and allusive storytelling elements Wenwieser examines the gap between appearance and being. Her aim is to pull the viewer inside her pictures to make them inhabit her otherworldly depictions. In Wenwieser's worlds humans and nature seem to be unified. There is often something delicate, poetic and dreamy yet also slightly eerie, dark and menacing in her images. The images span from plants/flowers engulfing her figures; to butterflies born from the cocoon of a mouth wanting to connect with a blood moon; to elegant and dark masks, that appear like fleeting shadows across the figure, speaking of subconscious secrets and desires. Vanessa Wenwieser’s work places the female into the centre of her imagination, she liberates them from the typical male gaze and brings her female perspective to the forefront. In her artworks, women are seen as beings with minds, emotions and intuitively powerful. Using the figure and allusive storytelling elements Wenwieser examines the gap between appearance and being. Feelings are exhibited naked and vulnerable, she explores them in an imaginative and beautiful way, trying to make people see the transcendent. Her aim is to pull the viewer inside her pictures to make them in-habit her otherworldly depictions.
These artworks, show what particular transformative emotions and feelings could look like. Be it love, metamorphosis, imagination, healing, regaining lost strength and the afterlife.
Wenwieser uses space to create feeling of the sublime, when describing strong emotional places of the soul.
“I want to be inside your darkest everything” (Frida Kahlo)