Thorben Stubbe
Thorben Stubbe
My name is Thorben Stubbe and I am a German artist and designer. I have been working in the field of art and design since 2005. After training as a communication designer and media designer, I studied industrial design in Osnabrück. In addition to my freelance work as a designer, I designed the exterior and interior of various super yachts for several years. For almost a decade I am the industrial designer at MEYER WERFT, which is a leader in cruise ship construction. My area of work includes the architectural design of the external appearance, as well as the conceptual area and the future orientation of the product portfolio. So, you can say that the steel construction of the shipyard is my everyday canvas. My job in this industry is therefore very technical and numbers-driven, while the cruise ship in action is very emotional. People of different nations and ethnicities come together to have a good time, away from the everyday madness of what we call life. This duality of technology and emotion serves as an inspiration for me, which I would like to reflect in my work as an artist. The facets of life are sometimes chaotic and often au contraire but still forms a harmonious picture that we encounter every day as empathy. In addition to the figural-abstract art of recent years, in my latest series "The Art of Engineering" I address the cosmos of the cruise market in an artistic context and place the technical product in the emotional world of the viewer.