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Caryn Shaye

Caryn Shaye



A self-taught artist influenced by my intuition and living a philosophy that one is never too old to begin a new direction in one's life. Covid 19 stay at home orders in March 2020 were the words I needed to hear as a starting point to focus on painting.

My life experiences have revolved around being creative and creativity. As a child I loved to draw trees in nature and color, attended international art shows in Europe and the U.S., chairperson for a major event fundraiser for the Detroit Institute of Arts, known for throwing memorable theme parties in Washington D.C. and Michigan, collecting art for our home, creating unique evening purses, boutique owner, living in Paris France (a dream come true), dancing and as a buyer of furniture and decorative objects for the home for interior decorators, taking abstract art classes in Ca., and performing as a background artist for television. A lifetime of creative experiences that has led me to expressing my creativity as an artist at 70 in 2020.

2020, a year that has taken me to places that I have never known before. An inner evolving time where I have been given a chance to find a place of comfort and connection to my inner self through painting. Painting became my non-reactive space to the breakdowns occurring all around me in a shared worldly connection like no other time in history.

My painting comes from my intuitive connection to myself and my trust in the universal intelligence. I find answers within to what shapes, lines, designs or changes to make as well as what shows up in my paintings unexpectedly. Naturally creating positive changes. When selecting the colors to use in a painting I use my body as I would a pendulum. Blindly I take a tube of paint and place it at my heart. When my body leans to the right it is my “yes’ and I incorporate that color paint in my palette. To the left it is a “no” and I put the paint tube aside. I approach my empty canvas with no pre-thoughts, just a tuning in while relying on my inner voice. Paintings filled with new and other directions and turns that lead me to a finished piece of art. Painting brings me to my quiet peaceful place, a focused place where time that fly's by is well spent. Painting is what I stay present with, come back to until I feel certain it is complete. I believe my paintings reflect energies of interconnectedness, playfulness, and a feeling of happy happy. My life has been about freedom, variety and showing up in the face of adversity. My paintings are about flow, movement, high energy and change. A love of change and unusual happenings keeps my life interesting and colorful. I paint forcefully without fear of making a mistake.

I may or may not evolve a signature image but I hope my art will be recognizable. Maybe it will be the outlining, the colors, the energy, the intuition or a feel-good feeling. Maybe a possible claim to fame will be that I began painting at 70 and ready to express more of myself in ways I have not yet known. I just know when it feels good, do it.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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