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Nina Liemola

Nina Liemola



Nina Liemola, artist from Helsinki, Finland, born -72. Free painter from Avoin taidekoulu (4 years fine art studies) in Helsinki. Currently studying Waldorf art pedagogy in Snellman korkeakoulu, 2 years of 3 years education programme. I also have art therapy skills. For me form, patterns, seasons in the nature are essential in my artwork, passionate colorwork, sensual connection to colours in free form, or a plant is interesting for me. I make patterns for painting with oil, watercolours or acrylic, sculptures in wood, wood drawing, for interiors and clothing. My artist path is very much like in plants metamorphose, starts from a “big bang” with abstract, then following, through rigorous suprematic forms, the animal and vegetable world. The path is continuing, I am very much following my instincts and have a strong intuition and I do not know yet where it will lead me. This year I have worked a lot with trees and also made my first sculpture in tree. Art is an interesting way of making research in science too.
I am very happy to “come out with my art” and be a part of this new way of exhibit artwork digitally.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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